Upcoming blockchain events (Asia edition)

Block Live Asia
3 min readOct 11, 2019

Find out what’s happening!

Asia always has exciting events happening, for every type of person and/or interest. We bring to you a compilation of the biggest blockchain-focused events in the continent (excluding Singapore and China) — occurring before the end of 2019!

1) Japan Blockchain week

When: 7th to 15th October

Where: Tokyo & Osaka, Japan

Japan’s blockchain week brings together day-long summits, short conferences, meetups and formal dinners into a 7-day blockchain filled event!

With different types of programmes, this event caters to every blockchain enthusiast regardless of their interest level and availability.

You don’t need to register for the week, you can RSVP for any specific event here.

2) Indonesia FinTech show

When: 6th to 8th November

Where: Jakarta, Indonesia

With high-level conferences, trade exhibitions and a unique business match-making program (aiming to find the right buyers with ease) — this FinTech Show goes beyond traditional summits.

A visitor registration is easy — and free — on their website.

3) World Blockchain summit

When: 1st to 2nd December

Where: Bangkok, Thailand

The World Blockchain Summit is a series of summits on tour — going to around 10 locations in the next year, one of them being the bustling city of Bangkok. With 50+ speakers, including from Bitcoin and Binance, and 200+ investors, this 2-day summit is definitely worth attending.

The prices for attendees are reasonable too! Starting at USD$150 — you can get your tickets here now.

4) Blockchain eventon

When: 6th December

Where: Novotel, Mumbai

A blockchain festival taking place in the most exciting city of India, Mumbai goes beyond Blockchain in FinTech. It’s agenda revolves around where blockchain stands now, and how it can be put to use in governance, healthcare and bring social benefits to the world economy.

A short talk on quantum technologies’ influence on blockchain towards the end of this festival makes it unmissable for curious blockchain enthusiasts. Tickets start at roughly 100 SGD, be sure to get them soon!

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